• In the first years of life, more than one million neural connections are formed each second – at a rate that is never repeated again.

a focus on early childhood

The raising of young minds offers a unique opportunity to lay the foundation for a child's development, but it also poses great risks.

The quality of a child’s early experiences makes a critical difference as their brains develop, providing either strong or weak foundations for learning, health and behaviour throughout life.

We aim to prevent adverse childhood experiences

Childhood is a critical time that shapes who we become as adults.

Unfortunately, negative experiences during childhood can have serious long-term effects on our health and wellbeing.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child:

  • It says that all children and young people (up to the age of 18) have the right to express your views freely about anything that affects you.

  • It says children’s views must be given due weight in line with your age and maturity.

  • It says whenever decisions are made about you in court, or other official places like school or social services, you have the right to be heard. This can be through you speaking or someone else speaking on your behalf – a lawyer or an independent advocate for example.

It is your human right to be listened to and taken seriously.

All children and young people have the right to be listened to

We now know just how critical the early years of life are in the development of a child’s brain and in shaping their future.